Welcome to KiteTripAdvisor!

KiteTripAdvisor.com assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information. Unless verified by administrators, and thereby awarded a visible verification badge, all listings are unverified, contributed by the international kiteboarding/kitesurfing community, and as such this website should be used only as a reference for information gathering purposes.


Verified listings have been extensively reviewed by administrators to confirm the authenticity of provided information, including, but not limited to contact information (email, social, phone numbers, etc), the physical address of the business, and the legitimate ownership of the listing, etc.  That said, a verified listing is still not a guarantee at anytime that the information within the listing is correct.


All listings, verified or otherwise, are never contractually bonding between kitetripadvisor.com and the business listed and the listing’s author.  All listings, verified or otherwise, are never contractually bonding between kitetripadvisor.com site visitors and the business listed and the business listing’s author.